HackTheBox – CozyHosting
Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanning Initial nmap shows that 3 ports are opened. Later I did another scan with all ports: I have run also nikto scan, but nothing interesting…
Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanning Initial nmap shows that 3 ports are opened. Later I did another scan with all ports: I have run also nikto scan, but nothing interesting…
nmap shows 3 open ports: ssh, bind dns service and Apache http Default page
pwdbackup.txt looks interesting I checked it with CyberChef and didn't get any "magic" hint. Later I will decode it There is a LFI access.log is accessible I don't have permissions…
Initial scan shows 2 open ports
Looks like some old version of pfsense. Default credentials (admin:pfsense) doesn't work. Only http/https ports are opened Nothing interesting so far Certificate date Username is exposed rohit:pfsense works: Version: 2.1.3…
Initial scan of Vaccine shown 3 open ports.
Initial scan of “Oopsie”: