HackTheBox – CozyHosting
Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanning Initial nmap shows that 3 ports are opened. Later I did another scan with all ports: I have run also nikto scan, but nothing interesting…
Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanning Initial nmap shows that 3 ports are opened. Later I did another scan with all ports: I have run also nikto scan, but nothing interesting…
Active is active directory box with Domain Controller installed.
This one didn't work, because I didn't run it as intended It opens elevated shell as a new process which is not visible in shell. I should redirect it to…
Devel is Windows 7 box with IIS server and anonymous access to FTP
It is an old box with Windows XP SP3 vulnerable to MS08-067. Exploitation is quite simple with Metasploit.
Only http/https ports are opened
nmap shows 3 open ports: ssh, bind dns service and Apache http Default page
root, sammy, sunny - this users looks diffrent than others, probably other users have never been used I had issues with using hydra Hydra didn't work, because it takes long…
CVE-2017-0143 nmap --script=smb-os-discovery.nse --script-args=unsafe=1 -script=smb-vuln-ms17-010.nse -p445 <ip> This host is vulnerable to popular CVE-2017-0143, I decided to use metasploit: I have system privileges
No hints regarding version of October CMS admin:admin I wanted to check version: There is a possibility to upload a files. File with extension .php5 is located, so I will…